The Da Vinci Viol in Poland!

Kindest regards, Wanda

17 Komentarzy

Filed under Cymelium i curiosum / Keimélion and curiosum

17 responses to “The Da Vinci Viol in Poland!

  1. Wonderful to hear the sounds and watch Da Vinci’s invention in action, Wanda. Thank you for sharing this enthusiastic commentary and performance.

  2. Hi Wanda 😀 A wonderful construction and the resulting musical tones are really good. Have a lovely week my friend. Ralph xox 😀

  3. Jak milo widziec Pani powrot…
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie

  4. Very pleasant to watch and enjoy to listen. Sorry I’ve not been visiting your blog lately. That aside, how are you?

    • WM

      Hi, Uzoma! Thank you for being here. I’am fine but still very busy in my work and family life so my blog is almost inactive. This time I have to present Polish constructor of Leonardo da Vinci instrument: Poles can do it! I wish all the best to you, Uzoma. I hope you are still creative and glad writer, aren’t you, Uzoma?

      • Oh I’m doing fine. Although time hasn’t been on my side either — as I’m juggling family matters, writing, and work — I cannot forget blogger friends like you.

        Best wishes to you and Poland.

    • WM

      Best wishes to you and Nigeria!

  5. What an interesting instrument with an unusual, yet intriguing, sound. Thanks for sharing.

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